Last week's indicator review found that "As long as new lows exceed new highs, we have to look at this as a potential trend shift that could take us well into May's trading range." We did, indeed, see those new 20-day lows continue to outpace new highs, taking us briefly below 900 in the S&P 500 Index before bouncing higher late in the week.
The bullish momentum that we saw sustained from the March lows (top chart) has been lost, a situation that commonly occurs during topping processes. New 65-day highs, which peaked early in June, have steadily declined since then and now stand barely higher than new lows (middle chart). Meanwhile, the advance-decline line specific to S&P 500 stocks--a great feature from the Decision Point service--actually broke May lows last week before bouncing.
With a majority of S&P 500 sectors retreating from their bullish trending status, we now stand in a broad trading range between May's lows and June's highs. At this juncture, given the relative strength of NYSE Cumulative TICK and intermediate-term new highs/lows, I see this more as a correction within a bull market move than as the start of a fresh bear market. A move below May lows, particularly accompanied by new 65-day lows exceeding new highs, would lead me to re-evaluate that stance.
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