Monday, March 03, 2014

TraderFeed Reader Poll: What Do You Need for Your Success?

I can definitely attest to the squiggly path!

It was late 1982, I had taken a tough hit in trading, and was more than a bit in the dumps.  A friend asked me to a New Year's party, where I had way too much to drink.  There I met a woman who wasn't yet divorced, had three kids, and was quite a bit older than me.  Had I been in my right mind, I would have been friendly and quickly moved on to meet other people.  But, in my haze, I talked with the woman, got her phone number, and last month we celebrated our 30th anniversary.  Now that's a squiggly path!

Trading offers its twisted paths of development as well.  Rarely have I encountered straight lines to success.  

So here's my question for readers:  With so many online resources--books, blogs, tweets, charts, data, you name it--what more do you need for your trading success?  What is the one thing that most help you in getting to that proverbial next level?

And, specifically, what would you most like to see covered on this blog to help with your development?

Please feel free to leave your ideas as comments (concise and constructive, please!) and I will make use of those suggestions in planning future posts.  

Thanks very much--


Further Reading:  Market Awareness and Self Awareness