* Finding Top Financial Blog Sites - Many thanks to 24/7 Wall St. and their kind mention of TraderFeed in their latest listing of 25 best financial blogs. Their list shows considerable thought; the sites are worth checking out. I found a few good ones that I was not familiar with. There was some interesting overlap between the 24/7 recommendations and the blog sites that contributed to my forthcoming book--also a list worth checking out. An excellent source for mainstream media financial information is the RealClearMarkets site.
* Tough to Swing Trade - As the chart of the S&P emini futures (above) shows, we have had considerable volatility, but not much trending. The market has swung quite a few percent in each direction over the past week, but overall has gone essentially nowhere. Very important to buy weakness and sell strength in such an environment: execution is half the trading battle.
* Thanks - My appreciation to the readers who took the time to offer excellent suggestions for additions to chart software. I am told that all of the suggestions are being looked at by the management of the software firm as I write this.
* Recognizing Trends - My recent post on how to recognize trending days in the market has led to considerable traffic and emails. I am reworking my S&P 500 pivot/target levels and will include more "state of the market" posts via Twitter. The Twitter subscription list (free via RSS) is well over 1700 now, with an equal number of readers taking the recent "tweets" off the blog page. Over time, I hope to include more trading-centric posts to the current offerings of links, market indicators, and upcoming economic reports.