Sunday, January 19, 2025

What If You Could Only Trade Once Per Day?

Suppose you could only trade once per day, but at any time of the day?

With only one bullet to fire, you would have to make sure the opportunity was outstanding.  

What information would you gather to identify the one good daily trade?  Knowing this constraint, you'd have to study, study, study the best trades that could have been placed each day and generate a creative plan for exploiting the single best opportunity. 

How would you size the daily trade?  What would you need to see to add to your position?  What would you need to see to take profits?  What would stop you out of the daily trade?

If you only traded once per day, what do you think your win percentage would be?  How do you think your profitability trading once per day would compare to your current profitability?

What would be your greatest psychological challenge if you only traded once per day?  Knowing that you're limited to one trade, what constructive activities would you engage in while the one good trade was setting up?

What if anything more than one best trade per day makes minimal money on average?  What if all your time and effort watching screens and trading in and out of the market does not add significant value to your trading?  To your life?

This will be an experiment I pursue in 2025.  Discoveries come from asking new, different, and difficult questions.

Further Reading:

Expanding Our Trading By Imposing Constraints