Sunday, September 22, 2024

How Gratitude Transforms Trading


A wealth of research finds that experiences of gratitude--feeling appreciative of what we have--are important to overall emotional and physical well-being.  Of special significance is research that gratitude impacts our brain activity over long time periods, activating the areas responsible for reasoning and problem-solving.  This fits well with research that shows how positive emotional experience helps us see the world more broadly and deeply.  

When we can turn trading mistakes and setbacks into valuable lessons for learning and growth, we can actually feel gratitude toward our challenges.  Once we're focused on our development, everything--our best trading and our worst--becomes fuel for getting better and better.  Amazingly, when we sustain that positive mind frame, we actually see more in markets.  

Negativity blinds us to trading opportunity.

Including gratitude in our daily review process by focusing on experiences that make us better is a great way of sustaining our positive trading psychology.  At moments when I feel frustrated, I look over to our bonded rescue cats, Molly and Ares, see how they have found happiness, and feel grateful for the opportunity to have given them a good life.  Frustrations melt away when we appreciate what we have.  

An optimal trading psychology is one of focus and one of positivity.  Amazingly, when we are highly focused and in a state of emotional and physical well-being, we see markets better and make more clear-headed decisions.  If trading brings us gratitude--even in challenging times--we'll be best prepared to find and exploit opportunity.