I find that a surprising proportion of what sets traders up for success during the day is what has happened the previous night. We know from research that the proper quantity and quality of sleep aids concentration and learning and that disordered sleep can impair our cardiovascular health. Sleep also has a beneficial impact on our mood and is associated with improved thought and memory.
It is fascinating that sleep disturbances are present in over half of patients with psychiatric problems--a far greater percentage than in the general public. This has led to the observation that sleep disruptions are not only symptoms of problems such as anxiety, but active contributors to those. One in five patients with depressive disorders are suffering from sleep apnea--disrupted sleep often associated with snoring.
One study found that financial decision making was meaningfully impaired when subjects were sleepy due to poorer judgment about the task being undertaken. It is when tasks are complex and challenging that we're most likely to be impaired by poor sleep.
Here is an excellent article from Maria Konnikova on how our performance is impacted by how we wake up in the morning. Sleep inertia, she reports, significantly affects our cognitive functioning. It appears that being process-driven in how we sleep is as important to our functioning as being process-driven in our work during the day--and indeed may set us up for either success or failure in our ability to work in disciplined and productive ways.
Further Reading: Three Things to Improve Your Life Now
It is fascinating that sleep disturbances are present in over half of patients with psychiatric problems--a far greater percentage than in the general public. This has led to the observation that sleep disruptions are not only symptoms of problems such as anxiety, but active contributors to those. One in five patients with depressive disorders are suffering from sleep apnea--disrupted sleep often associated with snoring.
One study found that financial decision making was meaningfully impaired when subjects were sleepy due to poorer judgment about the task being undertaken. It is when tasks are complex and challenging that we're most likely to be impaired by poor sleep.
Here is an excellent article from Maria Konnikova on how our performance is impacted by how we wake up in the morning. Sleep inertia, she reports, significantly affects our cognitive functioning. It appears that being process-driven in how we sleep is as important to our functioning as being process-driven in our work during the day--and indeed may set us up for either success or failure in our ability to work in disciplined and productive ways.
Further Reading: Three Things to Improve Your Life Now