2/21/25 - Persistence springs from passion; passion springs from a deep, internal sense of conviction. A wise portfolio manager once said to me that, when it comes to making decisions, there are only two good answers: No and Hell, Yeah! If it's not Hell Yeah!, then it's No. How might life be different if we focused our pursuits on the Hell Yeah!? Life is a portfolio of commitments. When we are passionately committed to our pursuits, all of life becomes a statement of "Hell Yeah!"
2/18/25 - Straightforward questions to assess your growth trajectory as a trader: 1) Who are you interacting with regularly to make them better at what they do? 2) Who are you interacting with regularly that make you better at what you do? In any performance field, success requires an enriched environment for development. Shay's strength was passionately seeking out his enriched environment.
2/17/25 - Very important observation for developing traders: Notice how Shay (see below) was able to find his positive future by giving what he wanted more of. He was isolated in a cage, but when he saw us in a room, he immediately went to us and was extremely loving. It was because he gave love that we were inspired to provide him with a loving home. Developing traders who are struggling reach out and what do they talk about? Their struggles! What they don't share are their lessons learned and their successes (no matter how limited). If you want to learn with and from others, you're talking about forming and becoming part of a team. If you want to team up with others, offer teamwork! Give and give your successes and observations and accomplishments and others will be inspired to share their strengths with you. That is how everyone makes everyone else better. Give and give what you want more of.
2/16/25 - Every one of our cats has had a story to tell. I've written about Molly Ruth and making a fresh start in life. We've also encountered Mia Bella and the importance of finding opportunity amidst adversity. Naomi taught us about overcoming trauma, and now it's Shay's turn. Shay (above) is one of our four rescue cats and the latest addition to the family. He was in an animal shelter in southern New Jersey, after losing his home when the homeowner passed away. He was treated well in the shelter, but was stuck in a small cage most of the day. For a large, active boy, this was not easy. When Margie and I came to the shelter to visit Shay (his name then was Chumungus!), we were placed in a room where he could interact with us. Immediately, he went from Margie to me and back to Margie and back to me, rubbing against us and purring loudly. He wouldn't stop: his desire to interact was much stronger than any concern about strangers. His persistence reminded us of Mia, who would not leave our side once she was out of her cage. So we adopted Shay, and every night he sleeps between the two of us, going from one to the other and purring before plopping down to sleep.Shay was in the animal shelter for quite a while. He could have easily grown lethargic in his small cage and withdrawn from the world. Instead, when opportunity came, he was all in. He persisted and persisted with his back and forth between Margie and me until we had to bring him home. In trading and in life, we can face setback after setback and find ourselves in a situation that seems hopeless. If, like Shay, we can reach out and reach out and find those who can help us move forward, we can achieve our successful future. Shay gave love and gave love and gave love when no one was loving him. And that is what brought him to his forever home. When we are feeling most abandoned and lost, that is when we most need to give and reach out. If, in some small measure, you can be the future you hope to find for yourself, you'll inspire others to join you in that future.