Below are the half-hour periods of the regular trading day, the median volumes in ES for 2009, and the standard deviations for each of those. I've found these norms to be quite helpful in identifying when volume is picking up and slowing down, which alerts me to whether markets are facilitating trade at particular key price levels. All times are Central Time US:
8:30 AM - 242,978 (55,247)
9:00 AM - 208,202 (50,743)
9:30 AM - 173,246 (43,980)
10:00 AM - 142, 250 (53,507)
10:30 AM - 117,904 (46,620)
11:00 AM - 104,093 (36,316)
11:30 AM - 97,808 (32,632)
12 Noon - 108,429 (36,057)
12:30 PM - 113,074 (41,832)
13:00 PM - 133,750 (60,438)
13:30 PM - 147,448 (60,432)
14:00 PM - 180,139 (53,454)
14:30 PM - 264,140 (84,050)
15:00 PM (15 minute period) - 112,686 (31,815)
9:00 AM - 208,202 (50,743)
9:30 AM - 173,246 (43,980)
10:00 AM - 142, 250 (53,507)
10:30 AM - 117,904 (46,620)
11:00 AM - 104,093 (36,316)
11:30 AM - 97,808 (32,632)
12 Noon - 108,429 (36,057)
12:30 PM - 113,074 (41,832)
13:00 PM - 133,750 (60,438)
13:30 PM - 147,448 (60,432)
14:00 PM - 180,139 (53,454)
14:30 PM - 264,140 (84,050)
15:00 PM (15 minute period) - 112,686 (31,815)
Please note that I will continue to use Twitter to update how we're trading relative to these norms (free subscription here). The last five tweets always appear on the blog page.