* Financials Holding Up - The woes at LEH and AIG have gotten all the press, but the S&P 500 financial stocks (XLF) have held up well both in price (top pane above) and in the advance-decline line specific to their stocks (bottom pane).
* The New Book is Finished - The Daily Trading Coach will be coming out in March, 2009; here is a short table of contents.
* Tweeting Along - The subscription list to the Twitter posts has grown to 800; an even larger number appear to be following the posts on the blog page, where the last five are always displayed. I've been using Twitter to update market indicators and alert readers to economic reports each morning before trading days and also to link articles on worthwhile market themes. By the end of the month, I'll be finished with my swing trading system and will look to post pivot numbers and signals via Twitter.
* Catching Up With the E-Book - If you're new to this blog, just wanted to let you know that I'm writing a free e-book called "An Introduction to Trading" one blog post at a time. The complete list of posts can be found here, so that you can read them in order, from top down.